
With my choir I from time to time use to sing some pop-songs I have to make an arrangement for. For example when we were singing background for Luxuslärm in 2015, or when singing at a wedding, where the couple wishes some extra song. When we had a workshop with Angelika Rehaag, where we wanted to sing the beautiful arrangement of „Man in the mirror“ from the motion picture „Joyful Noise“ – legally brought the sing-book to find out it only contains the solo-voice… So there I also wrote down this awesome arrangement.
Sometimes we keep the arrangements in our repertoire, sometimes not, and for the last ones I somehow regret this, as the work should not be done for only this moment, actually. So I decided to share them with You.

I don’t own any rights of any of these songs, I only wrote some of the arrangements, at some place with a personal note, though. Here is the place for You to download them, and I’d appreciate if You’d honour the hours I spent with a little donation You can do with paypal below, if You use and like them.

Thanks and have fun singing!

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